Friday, July 26, 2019

I said.

I said.

It’s a wondering night.
blender with Pain.
Ready to fight...
To the things I can’t say.
Time... go... by...
To the comments I said.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the formidable rhythmic pulse

the formidable rhythmic pulse

Endless tears fell from your face,
thoughts of anxiety, 
wondering what’s it’s like.?  
a steady pulse faster racing.
Hands are shaking. 
Me sitting there useless, 
unknown what to think, 
trying to speak. Time is wasting.
Your Words were daggers to the heart. 
I can’t believe we fell apart.  
Confused by the words of this.
I brought u joy of endless. 
That’s what I thought, 
Into cold water I wanna dive. 
Telling me I was the calm to your life
Restarting to fall for u
Clocks were ticking away, it goes by 
Scrabbling ,the words to find
To kept ur presents by my side
Your mountain, I still wanna climb
Walking up your stairs .,looking back
Something is screaming at u.
stand there with your fear
Iook around, I’m right here.
 away I’ll drive, with this sadden formidable rhythmic pulse.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

“With In The Angel Falls”

I’m in this intersection between the papers walls, were I use to fall with in this box as I saw my conscious leave me.
I want to see if it still guides me to the place I wanna be. To be lost and confused where I use to sit and stare at this dead and lonely world to be discovered. Something inside of me is telling me to get through something more without this any more.
I want to remember this day like if it was just yesterday and the night before where I sat and look up at this someone that wanted more.
Nor it would of never happen.

Why would you leave me here in this bloody town all burn down.
In   the end of time on this lonely hill where I use to stare at the sky…….
At least…. It gave me guideness….

I’m dying… I want to leave…
I’m stuck here in this lonely house without. To tell me what’s rite and wrong?
I walk outside an all a dark and lonely road where I'm push in to the deep end
Can’t breathe….
I’m dying…. I’m dying I want to leave
I’m dying l want to leave

I feel so much anger with in this thing I can’t explain any where I want to be from the plain, bitter, sorrow feeling I have.
Yet I got to get through this like any other day.
 You make it so much more, yet I’m lost with out you to guide me to a place where I am strong and gonna live long.
So please hold on please hold on.

Why would you leave me here in this bloody town all burn down.
In   the end of time on this lonely hill where I use to stare at the sky…….
At least…. It gave me guideness….

In the end of time we don’t know what we want in life where is hard and wrong.
To make up are own lines without this.
I’m so much more wrong but I feel like I’m gone.
On this lonely hill where I use to stare in to the sky.
At least it gave me guideness…  

Likeable Things

I like likeable things, u are likeable.
Like making things laughable
Liking our ever-long conversations 
Likely moving faster like that we thought 
Alike having differences 
Liking similarities, humor alike
Unlike our pass declines
Liked ravishingly poking one another 
Like Sunrise,time flies
This is where we start Again 
Like the last time. 



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

[x."Don'T UnDeRStand".x]

For Though's In A Split

Well Tonight was the night that I never thought I would Have to sit through.
Have you ever ask your self why things happen?
do we think that they happen for a reason, or for a cause, and or maybe they just happen. For one dam reason. Well tonight this one night had it's reason, and  the one who gave me my life who i call my father said it all. I really didn't want to go through this i knew the outcome of it and I didn't want to see it. The pain just ripped me we sat down my two sisters and I. and there it was the disappointment, the liar, and the betrayal.
At first I had told myself "if i don't say nothing" that should kill him wit the disappointment i had, and the look in my eyes. So than it began , we talk my lil sister started to say " So why did you leave in the first place....."
and than she bust out in tears.My dad got up and said "give me a hug"
She said "NO! don't touch me".
And right there it felt like a movie , like this wasn't suppose to happened or like I was in denied it had its reason's though. so i knew it was real. The night went on my sister thought that we my lil sister and I weren't talking as much as her. I think that me just hearing him out was good enough for me.
Do we as people eve think that when we hurt someone we love, it's not a big deal?
its a huge deal.
thats the person WE love, that been there, thats help us, that always had are backs, and the ones who had a shoulder to cry on. But all that goes out the window went your love for them has been a lie for 6 years. And to found the worst thing in the book that they did too you. CHEAT ON YOU.
But a minute though this person always been there for you and said that he would never hurt you in any dam way. But it goes out that Fucking window faster than the speed of light. And when you caught them with your own eyes its even worst.
Well thats what my dad did to my mom for 6 long years. He played as all like fools, and not only that my mom or my sisters  never had a clue about what was going on. But now that his secret is out * not to make matters worst but my parents were really never devoice. They were still married but my dad had moved out 6 years ago.
So his secret is out and now that we know its a huge deal. My mom  doesn't know how to react to this, and but I think personal she doesn't want to see my dad go, and to be with this other woman. What and how I reacted to this I had a idea for a vary long time. i went to this lady house 4 years ago to help my dad with some work, and when he yelled at this lady i was blown away from it. I was like what the hell he can't do that to a customer. so years went on and i just never thought about it again. 
So it really hurts me inside that he as my father would do this to me as his son. i mean I'm his son! for crying out loud, and i think i was the one got played as a fool the most. Because I went there to her house and went inside to sit on the couch and never knew a thing. 
The thing that gets me is how can a person hurt or deal with guilt to go through that.To not tell you your secret. And it hurt me because he should of at least told me. I mean he had the guts to take me there , why not the guts to tell me this.
I don't understand this..........

"Its such a shame to see you drifting " - (+44)  

"It's hard to wake up
When the shades have been pulled shut." - Blink 182
             "Stay Together For The Kids" 


Saturday, October 30, 2010


For those who have been heartbroken:

We all know what love is. But do we really like it?
We've all been in love at  least once, and had those butterflies feeling when your wit her/him. and cant breath when they give you that look like you did something  wrong. We all have been there and experience it.
Why is it hard to let go of it? But do we really want too.
once again we've all been there once in that situation where were on the edge of loosing her/him. and cant seen to know why?
Or maybe we do know why?
or maybe we don't. and that is the scary one, to be there and asking your self "why is this happening"
I know I've been there and it sucks. 
You the saying "its not you its me"
that line is a indication that they might have cheated or liked someone else. or maybe really don't know what the person wants in there life. but it's rare to ever get that one. 
Do you Ever think it will last "forever" ?
now if you really think about it the word "forever" is like a "if' word its HUGE. and its like a chance word if you wanna see it that way. I think that when we get those butterflies feeling in side you I think it toys wit us, and your emotions to think that it Will be like this "forever".
when you question your relationship its not real?
why would ever wanna question ur love for someone? if u love her/him than there is no if and but it will work. don't worry it will work if you don't worry about anything and just be happy. 
I think thats why it failed me in my last love. because I was always worried that she loved me. but she did, and now she gone. Were friends but "its such a shame that she is drifting"
should you wait for them to come back?
i always ask my self that one question?
but like they say "if something is worth going after than go after it"
if you don't ever know the reason why he or she left you, than right there and than you will know 
"that life is not connected"
its true love its a emotion and you know what emotions do to us people. In a heartbeat it can change who we are.
love is everything that it can get us through anything.
Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context,love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, ...
